New features

Maximise Your Sales Using This Tool!

Stay on top of the the buy block without losing sales with this handy new feature within our Repricer tool.

Making the buy box and staying there involves a lot of competition. In order to help you with this, we at EffectConnect came up with something new to stay one step ahead of those competitors. We call it Buy-Box Maximalisation. Buy-Box Maximalisation is a feature in the Repricer to help you keep the buy box longer while offering the best price to not miss out on any sales!

With Buy-Box Maximalisation, you have the option to save the last buy-box price and activate it when you’re at risk of losing the buy box. That way you can play around with pricing, occasionally raising it, without losing the buy box.

Why opt for a Repricer?

As a seller on marketplaces, your aim is to maximise your sales. One way of achieving this is to get your products to be featured in the marketplace’s buy box. This will enable consumers to buy your products with a single click. There are quite a lot of conditions sellers have to meet before making the buy box. One of them is that your products have to have the best price.

At EffectConnect you can use our Repricer tool. It allows you to automatically have prices adjusted based on criteria entered by you, and on price changes from your competitors. Every 20 minutes the Repricer checks the prices they are asking on the marketplaces. 

You get to decide which products are included in the scan, based on the EAN code linked to the product, as well as what the conditions are. For instance, if a competitor goes down in price, the Repricer will automatically lower your price as well. If the competitor increases the price, the tool will raise your price too. That way you can hold on to your place in the buy box!

Do you want to grow exponentially by selling through online marketplaces? Download our free white paper titled 'Growing exponentially on marketplaces'.

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