What is the Amazon Buy Box?
The Buy Box is the block on the right-hand side of the page containing the "Add to Cart" and "Buy Now" buttons (see picture below). As a seller, if you enter this block on the product page, you have won the Buy Box. This of course increases your chances of actually selling your product.

In order to qualify for the Buy Box, you must first meet a number of conditions. If you use Fulfilment by Amazon, your products are automatically eligible for the Buy Box. If you do not use this service, the following conditions apply to your eligibility for the Buy Box:
You must have a professional seller account
Amazon offers 2 types of accounts: professional and individual sales accounts. Only with the first one are you eligible for the Buy Bux. So first check which account you have and change it from an individual to a professional account if necessary.
Your performance must be sufficient
Another important condition for qualifying for the Buy Box is the percentage of faulty orders, the cancellation percentage and the percentage of delayed shipments. It is important to keep these percentages as low as possible in order to increase your chances of qualifying for the Buy Box. In your seller account, you can view the status of your performance.
You must have a certain order volume
The final requirement is that you need to have a certain order volume, which differs per category. To increase your order volume, you could, for example, promote your products via sponsored products, add product videos and provide more reviews.
This is how you win the Amazon Buy Box in 4 steps:
Do you meet all the conditions to qualify for the Buy Box? Then there are still a few factors to take into account that will increase your chances of getting the Buy Box.
1. Amazon Prime badge
Products with an Amazon Prime badge are given priority over products without this label and are therefore more likely to qualify for the Buy Box. To obtain the Amazon Prime badge, you can use Fulfillment by Amazon. This means that you outsource the logistical process and that products are delivered directly from Amazon's warehouse.
2. Satisfied customers
One of the other factors that contribute to the chance of winning the Buy Box is satisfied customers. Amazon highly values a good customer experience. The most important factors are the previously mentioned percentage of defective orders, cancellation rate and percentage of delayed shipments. But they also look at the percentage of valid tracking numbers, percentage of on-time deliveries and the dissatisfaction percentage of returns.
In your Amazon seller account, you can view your performance on these factors.
3. Stock available at all times
If your product is not in stock, you cannot win the Buy Box either. It is therefore important that your product is always available. You can check and track this manually, but there are also handy tools for this. For example, the Amazon sales coach can help you with stock management. You can also automate this process with a Fulfilment Manager, which ensures that your product remains available when you no longer have stock at FbA, but still in your own warehouse. With the Fulfilment Manager, your products are always available!
4. Pricing
Are your deliveries in order, is your customer satisfaction high and is your stock available? Then the price of your product is an important factor in whether or not you win the Buy Box. Of course, you can keep an eye on the prices of your competitors all day long in your Amazon seller account, but you can also easily automate this, so that you always use a good, market-conform price and increase the chance of achieving the Buy Box!
Research shows that sellers who use a Repricer tool achieve 80% occupancy of the Buy Box.
With an Amazon Repricer tool you ensure that your products are always offered at the best possible price. The Repricer scans the product prices of your competitors 24/7 and adjusts your product prices based on the criteria you set and the price change of the competitor. You have complete freedom in which products you allow to be considered for this and which minimum and maximum prices you want to apply. As a seller, you have complete control over your prices.
Want to experience for yourself how the Amazon Repricer can help you reach the Buy Box and increase your conversions? Contact one of our consultants for a demo!